Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rocky Point 2005

There are different trips that I have gone on  one was in 2005 which has been my most eventful year for traveling around.  I have had the pleasure of going down to Rocky Point, Choya Bay, Mexico a few times this past year.  Each time I have gone down with different friends but my main hook up has been Kim Eaton who years ago became friends with a Doug Pulsifer, who is the uncle of some crazy girl that Kim dated (aren’t they all)  Actually this one really is crazy and I believe I will have a scar on my back for the rest of my life from where that very girl bit me on the back because I was getting a kick out of making her angry, which was easy to do as witnessed by those who saw her attack me for not giving her blanket to her ending in a vicious bite on my back which drew blood….yes, crazy girl.  Anyway moving past the numerous types of crazy woman that Kim seems to get involved with and our tie into how we met Mr. Pulsifer who owns a beach front home in Choya Bay and recently gave us a set of keys and permission to stay down there whenever with the agreement that we would make some construction improvements on the home.  Well, we still have yet to make any of those improvements but it sure has been fun to go down there.  We have had experiences that have ranged from playing live music on the corner of some of those street malls to running from the cops on our quads.  Let’s start by explaining those two.  It is tradition it seems each time we go down there now to throw a performance while walking down one of the main slummy street malls were people just set up shop however possible and try to sell all of there wonderful Mexican inventory and knock-off merchandise.  There is always a chop that carries the cheap miniature guitar, bongo drums, mariachis, plastic trumpets, and supply everybody’s favorite the oversized sombrero.  The stage is always set perfect as the street mall is across the street from several restaurants that are on the second floor looking down.  I don’t know how but I always seem to be the leader of the band to lead us in LaBamba, Eye, yeigh, yeigh, eye!, and our favorite, Parle me Gasolina!! Which I am not even sure what the real words are but they play that gasoline song on every corner we go.  Of course we always get cheers and on cords…well we don’t really get the on cords but you can bet we give it to them.  You always have to be careful of the crooked cops that aren’t there to uphold the law, they are there to just scare you and take whatever money you have on hand and if that is not enough they will just take your quad or car….seems fair to me.  I should start a collections company and hire the Mexican Policia cause they would be cheap labor and they are use to just taking peoples cars and houses away from them.  One night we were riding our quads around, I believe this was the same night that we were mistaken for being drunk at a higher end restaurant in downtown Mexico.  That seems to occur quite often, I don’t know what it is that makes people think that you can’t have fun like we do without any alcohol…well without very much alcohol….no just kidding, yes without any alcohol.  Who says you can’t become friendly with the table of 12 students from Tucson through friendly conversation and then once you have warmed up to them you progress the friendship by leading them in song while standing on top of their table and leading the Meriachi band with a huge Margarita glass in one hand that really is just full of virgin pina colada…which I believe is the secret ingredient to getting the runs for 3-4days.  We had that restaurant popping and laughing while we would periodically start the “pass it on” game. Don’t know how it goes?  It’s easy you just pick a absolute stranger (well not so much a stranger after you warmed them up to you) preferably cute and preferably the opposite sex and just lean in to their personal space and give a gentle squeeze to the outer check’as nalgas then whisper in their ear “Pass it On”.  It’s loads of fun and most people love playing along…and those that don’t pear pressure always gets them and causes more fun for those that get to watch them squirm.  Anyway we were out riding one night and you are not allowed to ride on the main streets with your quad at night so we took some back routes.  Somehow we ended up on one of only two golf courses with in 500 miles of us and yes we are riding on the greens with our quads.  Not only do I think they would have taken our quads if we got caught but I believe we would have spend some quality time playing pass it on with the ploicia as they walked by our cells.  Yes, we did get chased by some federal’es and had to make a quick escape by forcing a small hole in the fence barrier into a much larger opening so our quads could fit through.  Oh, yes good times.  Later that night we did get pulled over because we had to drive on the main street to get home because it was the only way we knew to get back cause I just told you that there were unhappy people waiting for us the way we came.  Yes I was very worried because we weren’t sure if the feds had caught on that radio existed yet and had used it to call ahead about our bogy on the 10th hole.  I was pushed up against my quad and frisked heavily.  They made us worry quite a bit and were very unhappy that we only had 15 dollars on us.  They did let us go and said they pulled us over for speeding ad that we needed to get off the main road.  Oh, yes..good times.  There are plenty of other stories that will have to wait like the time we jumped on one of those banana boats that they pull people around by some crappy fishing boat out in the ocean….our favorite thing to do is wait till they get us way out there in the ocean and then fall off an outrageous amount of times…they allow you only 3 falls but we end up getting about 8 or 9 out of it and a very unhappy driver by the end that just left us out there once we were close enough to swim in after falling off….we still were way out there…he was just fed up. And yes good times..we laughed the whole way through and even when our friend next to us was chocking on the salt water he swallowed from laughing. 

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